The Top Box


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Our Top Box represents a snapshot of some of the best coffee selections we have to offer on a monthly basis. It typically contains a mix of 4oz bags of limited availability micro-lots, fresh crop arrivals, and/or new seasonal blends. In April, savor the arrival of seasonal delights with our coffees boasting rich notes of honeysuckle, clementine, and sangria.

In the Box:

El Salvador Finca La Cumbre

It’s a long and winding mountain road that cuts across the slopes of the Santa Ana volcano. Unlike many of the service roads that lead to the dozens of smallholdings and farms in this part of the country, which are craggy gravel roads at best and completely impassable by vehicles at worst, calle 125 is freshly paved and wide enough to accommodate the many vehicles that porter coffee cherries from all over the area to the processing mill at finca El Manzano. La Cumbre simply means “the summit”, and indeed, the view to be had at the peak of the Santa Ana volcano is astounding. Despite it being the dry season, the rainforest around the site is lush and persistent, even on a misty and cloudy evening, one can see the bustling mill at El Manzano and even as far as the city of Santa Ana proper sitting at the base of the mountain over forty kilometers away. The coffees that grow here are prolific, and as a result of the high altitude are some of the most dynamic and sought after coffees in the region. Among a number of cultivars that are grown in this region, the most common to be found at La Cumbre is called SL-34 and shares a genetic lineage with Typica and Bourbon coffees. Though SL-34 is most common in Kenya, it’s country of origin, it thrives in many other countries around the globe, and not least on finca La Cumbre. When our team visited the site in late January, mere days before harvest, the ordinarily tall SL-34 trees were so laden with cherry that they were beginning to droop towards the ground. This crop of SL-34 is about as fresh as can be had stateside and we are ecstatic to be able to share it with our community. This is not only a remarkable coffee for its sensory attributes but also for the partnership that it represents between the Topeca teams in El Salvador and Tulsa, Oklahoma alike.

 Peru El Palto Cooperative 

Our newest offering was grown high in the Northern Amazonas Andes of Peru and is sourced from a farmer’s cooperative called the Asociacion de Productores Cafetaleros Juan Marco El Palto, or simply “El Palto”. Cooperatives such as El Palto can be instrumental in supporting coffee farming communities all over the world. In many instances, they advocate for their members by seeking higher prices at market by securing buyers and ensuring that their farmers have a place to mill their product efficiently with little to no waste before export. Oftentimes, coffees grown by smallholders partnered with El Palto are grown in the midst of indigenous rainforest alongside plots of fruits, herbs and vegetables that are grown for personal use. The growing methods employed by these producers are done so with careful stewardship and respect for the land around them. As such, their values align quite well with organic farming practices resulting in a product that was certified to have been organically grown. This rich and biodiverse agricultural system is in stark contrast to methods employed by large farms that often grow coffee as the sole crop and rely heavily on pesticides to keep pests and pathogens at bay. Oftentimes in rural mountain communities such as the Northern Amazonas, coffee farms look much different when compared to other parts of the world, and represent a much more sustainable model for the cultivation of specialty coffee. The El Palto Cooperative has grown substantially since its founding in 2003, with over 189 smallholder partners, where women represent forty percent of the total membership. This is a substantial percentage given the fact that historically leadership in the coffee industry is male dominated, and, while not perfect, the gender parity represented in the El Palto membership is an important step towards a more equitable system in the specialty coffee industry.

This Peruvian natural starts off with an herbaceous note of clove before transitioning into a delicate elderflower and a jammy concord grape finish.

Tulsa Time

Once reserved for spring and summertime, we've brought Tulsa Time into our year-round blend line-up due to overwhelming demand from our loyal customers. This blend brings together choice coffees from east Africa which we carmelize to the perfect medium roast. The result is something superbly sweet and balanced. 100% easy-livin'. A coffee you can set your watch too.

Don't own a grinder? Don't own a good grinder? Not a problem, let us expertly grind the coffee for you depending on the method with which you brew. We roast, grind and package your coffee to order, so it gets to you just a few days after roasting. We do recommend to consume pre-ground coffee within 2 weeks after opening to experience maximum freshness of flavor. 

Espresso (Fine) - best for home espresso machines, moka pot and some Aeropress recipes

Pour Over (Med-Fine) - best for single cup pour over methods with 2-3 min brew times: V60, Kalita, Malita, Clever, etc

Drip (Medium) - best for auto-drip makers and larger pour overs with 4-6 min brew times such as Chemex

French Press (Med-Coarse) - best for French press and cold brew methods. 


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